uPerform Wins Brandon Hall Silver Award

January 6, 2015
by Jim Jarrett

ANCILE uPerformâ„¢ Recognized for Comprehensive Mobile Learning Across the Extended Enterprise

Elkridge, Md., (January 6, 2015) – ANCILE Solutions, Inc., a global leader in developing learning and performance software products, has won a coveted Brandon Hall Group Silver award for excellence in the Best Advance in Mobile Learning Technology category.

ANCILE uPerformâ„¢ was recognized for its excellence in delivering targeted, high-quality learning content to employers, specifically for its comprehensive and advanced functionality, and its flexibility, customization and integration with mobile systems.

“We are honored to be recognized with a Brandon Hall Silver award for excellence in Mobile Learning Technology,” said Frank Lonergan, CEO of ANCILE. “Because today’s business world is not just mobile, but increasingly global and diverse, learning content must be easily translatable and available both inside and outside the organization. We are committed to providing innovative business solutions for our customers, as the need to deliver learning and performance support content for mobile consumption increases, and organizations need to support large-scale initiatives that impact the workforce without relying solely on instructor-led classroom training.”

A panel of veteran, independent senior judges evaluated the entries along with Brandon Hall Group’s industry expert analysts and leadership. Entries were evaluated based on a product’s breakthrough innovations, unique differentiators, what problems it solves and what the benefits are for customers.

“HCM technology is a major enabler of business growth and our Excellence in Technology award winners epitomize the vision, creativity and resourcefulness that drive results. We are honored to recognize these excellent organizations,” said Mike Cooke, Chief Executive Officer of Brandon Hall Group.

The full list of winners can be found at http://go.brandonhall.com/Excellence_Awards_Home.

About Brandon Hall Group, Inc.

With more than 10,000 clients globally and 20 years of delivering world class research and advisory services, Brandon Hall Group is the most well-known and established research organization in the performance improvement industry. We conduct research that drives performance, and provides strategic insights for executives and practitioners responsible for growth and business results.

Brandon Hall Group has an extensive repository of thought leadership, research and expertise in Learning and Development, Talent Management, Leadership Development, Talent Acquisition and Human Resources. At the core of our offerings is a Membership Program that Empowers Excellence Through Content, Collaboration and Community. Our members have access to research that helps them make the right decisions about people, processes, and systems, combined with research-powered advisory services customized to their needs. (www.brandonhall.com).

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