Integration Guide: Epic in-app training with uPerform

October 26, 2022
by Jordan Edwards

Blog PostHealthcarePhysician working on laptop with uPerform's Epic in-app training

Take your Epic® software training to the next level with learning in the flow of work. uPerform is a just-in-time training and support platform that provides users with customized Epic in-app training materials. With multiple Epic integration point options, uPerform provides users with easy access to support materials specific to their role and Epic workflow.

This overview provides a general synopsis of uPerform’s multiple Epic integration points, the personnel and resources required for integrating uPerform with Epic, and the stages of the Epic integration implementation process. For more information on how uPerform integrates with Epic, contact our technical success team.

Why should you offer Epic in-app training opportunities?

Epic is an invaluable solution for clinicians. Educating them on how to take advantage of the efficiencies it creates is important to ensure it is not a source of frustration and burnout. KLAS Research data suggests the most effective strategy for improving their EHR experience and satisfaction is offering quality initial and ongoing training. uPerform makes it easier for training teams to create quality training content and deliver it to end users when and where they need it.

uPerform’s integration with Epic helps clinicians:

  • Save time searching for help and get back to patient care
  • Feel empowered to solve problems in Epic without peer or help desk support
  • Stay up to date with Epic upgrades and rollouts
  • Feel more satisfied with their Epic implementation and training experience

uPerform provides Epic users with a centralized repository for all learning content. With uPerform, Epic users gain access to role-based learning materials specific to their workflow via their Epic login, eliminating the need for additional usernames passwords.  Depending on your chosen Epic integration configuration, users can access learning materials via contextual links in their workflow or by searching the Learning Library.

How does uPerform integrate with Epic?

uPerform offers multiple Epic integration points where a button or link can be embedded to provide users with easy access to learning content. This overview covers the different locations within Epic where a uPerform button or link can be added and made accessible to end-users.

Epic F1 Help Learning Library Dashboard

Mock-up showing uPerform F1 Dashboard integration and functionality. Top section displays 'Search Learning Library' feature and lower section features 'Learning Library - Training & Support Content' with various help content categories and resources (ex. "What is the Learning Library" category features "What is the Learning Library (video 02:02)" and "Using the Learning Library (tip sheet)" as resources.

Epic offers the ability to integrate uPerform in the F1 command and when an end-user searches for ‘help’ in Epic. When an end-user activates either of these options, Epic launches a dashboard component that can be customized to include links to content from the Learning Library. Types of links include keyword searches, specific folders or content, and a link to the top of the Learning Library.  

Regardless of what link is used, users will only see content that is relevant to their specific role and workflow. The F1 integration provides users additional access points to learning materials, helping drive adoption and use of the system.  

uPerform’s Epic F1 integration also brings value to training teams. Using uPerform to manage learning content can also eliminate the need for, and maintenance of, Learning Home Dashboards (LHD). Traditionally, maintaining LHDs requires updating individual links when content has been changed or updated. With uPerform, F1 dashboard links always direct to the most recent content version, eliminating the need to update links individually. 

Epic Main Menu Toolbar integration

Epic screen mock up showing location of Epic in-app training access via uPerform user toolbar button

The next integration we provide is located on the Epic main menu toolbar. We add a menu button, which directs users to role-based content at the top of the uPerform Learning Library. In this first phase, we introduce end-users to uPerform and build familiarity of the tool by branding your learning library and offering a central location for help materials inside Epic. Our team supports your rollout and builds awareness by sharing a marketing plan and tools to help you communicate throughout your organization.

Epic Workflow Integrations

Mock-up demonstrating uPerform's ability to integrate with Epic by placing links to the Learning Library in Epic navigators

To provide a seamless learning experience, uPerform can be used to embed launch points throughout Epic to promote learning within user workflows. If users are struggling with a particular task or workflow or are engaging with a new one for the first time, placing content at the point of need helps them find relevant help quickly, so they can get back to the task at hand. This level of integration provides users with content that is specific to their role and their location in Epic.

Workflow-specific launch points can be embedded in the following locations within Epic:

  • Navigators / Narrators
  • Menu buttons
  • In Basket
  • Summary Reports
  • Flowsheets
  • Print Groups
  • Report Columns
  • Various areas where activities can be references

Please submit a ticket in the Intelligence Hub to consult your uPerform Onboarding & Enablement lead for a discovery session to explore workflow specific integrations.

Embedding learning materials in the flow of work requires additional steps to implement compared to basic main menu or F1 integrations. However, it also provides the most value by driving user engagement and making it easier for users to find the help they are looking for. For example, when M Health Fairview embedded help content in their eConsent navigator tool, user engagement with the tool increased from 7% to 87%.

Introducing: uPerform Copilot for Epic

With uPerform Copilot for Epic, support materials are always just a click away. Copilot works like a virtual superuser, always there to support clinicians wherever and whenever they need assistance in Epic.

Copilot automatically launches as a floating icon when a user logs into Epic Hyperdrive. Users can choose the location of its floating icon based on their preference. They can then access help and important communications via three separate tabs.

Make the most of uPerform Copilot with Change Communications

Make sure your clinicians aren’t missing important change notifications. With uPerform Copilot and Change Communications, deliver important change notifications to users directly in their workflow. With Change Communications enabled, users will see a notification badge on their Copilot launch icon for any unread change notifications. They can view and acknowledge receipt of the message without every leaving their workflow, improving read rates and change readiness.

Search Tab

If a user needs help with a certain workflow, they simply click the Copilot icon and navigate to the Search tab. From there, they can search the uPerform content library for relevant help resource, using our new search feature powered by natural language processing artificial intelligence.

Notifications Tab

Copilot also notifies users of important messages and notifications from the education team. If a user has an unread message, Copilot will open the notification tab by default. Users will also see a red notification badge on the Copilot app from wherever they are in Epic

Customizable Tab

The customizable tab can be set to display any content the education team wishes to display. One common application is to use it as a “what’s new” tab, where the education team can tag content related to new or upcoming go-lives or changes to user workflows. For instance, if a system is preparing for a new Beaker rollout, the education team may choose to tag content related to the rollout in this tab.

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Learn more about Epic in-app training with uPerform

Looking for ways to take your Epic training to the next level? Schedule a demo to learn more about how uPerform’s Epic integrations can deliver in-app learning opportunities to your clinicians that are specific to their role, workflow and current task. Reduce time spent in training and searching for help by supporting your clinicians with ongoing training and learning opportunities when and where they need it most.

Epic is a trademark or registered trademark of Epic Systems Corporation.