Closing the gap: Effective EHR training for improved patient care

July 9, 2024
by Jordan Edwards

Blog PostHealthcare

Join Liz Griffith, EHR education director at uPerform, as she sits down with Dr. Stephanie Lahr, president at Artisight, and Jenna Anderson, vice president of collaborative insights at KLAS Research, to discuss strategies for bridging the gap between the EHR support health systems provide and the help clinicians need. The conversation covers common pain points and successful strategies for prioritizing and improving EHR training.

Drawing on her intimate knowledge of leading research, Anderson points out that approximately half of clinicians don’t feel like they are getting the EHR support they need.

“Overall, from a clinician experience, about half of clinicians agree that they’re getting the training that they need. So, half of these clinicians are feeling let down in some regard around their training,” Anderson cautions.

It begs the question – what responsibility do organizations have to support their clinicians in the EHR, and how can they do better?

We’ve outlined just a few of the suggestions surfaced in this conversation. For more tips and suggestions, tune into the full episode and hear directly from our experts.

EHR training tips from this episode:

  • Demonstrate the ROI of EHR training
  • Gather feedback from clinicians and make them feel involved in their training
  • Provide learning in a variety of formats – not everyone learns the same way
  • Offer self-paced, virtual learning opportunities

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uPerform enables health systems to create and deliver self-directed learning opportunities to users while they work. Create and deliver training courses, onboarding tracks, microlearning and more and deliver it to users directly in their workflow based on their role. Health systems leveraging uPerform are improving satisfaction, increasing adoption of critical workflows, and controlling training costs.

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