Empower your users with uPerform for Workday

November 22, 2021
by Deli Okafor

Rolling out Workday®? Set your users up for success with tools that drive user adoption and proficiency of Workday, ensuring employee readiness at go-live.

Workday integrations can help your users master the platform and retain their knowledge in the long term.

The uPerform® learning and content management system offer digital learning platform integration with Workday so you can ensure your instructional content effectively prepares end users. uPerform centralizes support so your employees can access learning tools at the moment of need and increase operational efficiency.


The Benefits of uPerform for Workday

Digital training is possible, proven, and highly successful for improving electronic patient record (EPR) implementations, enterprise procedural changes, and other mission-critical updates. Hundreds of leading businesses and health systems across the country use uPerform to empower their users with just-in-time training and support available within the application. Clients using uPerform with Workday are reaping the benefits of digital learning, including:

  • Reduced time spent in instructor-led training with virtual courses: By meeting learners where they need help, uPerform streamlines digital learning and prepares users and employees faster. When your enterprise rolls out Workday or other upgrades or procedural changes, your employees need to be able to pivot and adapt quickly. uPerform gives your users access to your virtual courses directly in their workflow, saving you time on instruction. uPerform ensures your content reaches end-users at the moment of need.
  • On-demand support with procedural guides, simulations, and videos available at the moment of need: uPerform is a performance support platform that enables users to master their applications as they work. Users can quickly find the answers to their questions and learn in the method that best appeals to their learning style, using content generated in various formats like step-by-step instructions and interactive simulations. With robust employee learning integrations, uPerform catalogs all your learning content and displays helpful links to centralize user support throughout your enterprise.
  • Rapid content creation and curation in a central learning library: uPerform offers robust content creation and management tools so you can quickly create and distribute targeted content to your users. Older training systems require multiple documents for each training course. With uPerform, you can create tip sheets, simulations, and learning videos easily with the rapid recording tool. uPerform transforms the information into multiple formats and centralizes information storage so you can speed up rollouts. uPerform also automatically alerts users when content is updated within the learning library.
  • Increased end-user proficiency and more competent employees: Make your Workday user adoption more efficient with uPerform integration. Our just-in-time learning platform provides all the tools you need to ensure your employees can quickly adopt mission-critical software and procedures. In-application simulations provide contextual learning material that matches each employee’s role, specialty or department. Learners can easily search the interface and revisit information at any time. uPerform also allows users to share and download materials, facilitating collaborative learning.

Help prepare your staff for your Workday rollout, while helping them become more proficient users, with uPerform.


Discover how uPerform can work for you

uPerform accelerates content creation and distribution, reinforces learning in the workflow and simplifies content and instruction management. Our digital learning platform can help you maximize your ROI on Workday and your other applications.

Contact us today and schedule a meeting with a member of the uPerform team.